For Maintenance Emergencies

If you are having a maintenance emergency, please call: 

Lafayette/West Lafayette 765.269.7283.

These include:

  • No electricity throughout the apartment - Please call electrical provider first: Duke or Vectren
  • No heat in temperatures below 55ºF in the unit, and it is Friday evening, Saturday or Sunday
  • No water throughout the apartment
  • Flooding or leaks in the apartment (if possible please shut off the valve)
  • Smoke detectors not working properly (please replace batteries before calling)
  • Situations where access to the apartment may be compromised (i.e. broken windows or broken locks)
  • Air Conditioner is not working when it is 85 degrees or higher in the unit, and it is a Friday evening, Saturday or Sunday
  • No hot water on weekends
  • If a gas leak is suspected, please dial 911 to report it to emergency personnel. Please also notify TRU.

Non-Emergency Maintenance

West Lafayette maintenance hours are Monday - Friday 8:00am-4:30pm.

For the quickest service, please submit your maintenance request through your Resident Portal.

Submit Request